Fame can be found behind any door. You just have to know where to look for it.
The world was silent when we died

Ich bin Ines aus Berlin.
Auf meinem Ratgeber-Blog sammele ich für euch Alltagstipps, helfe bei der Reiseplanung und empfehle die beste Musik. Für mehr Zeit zum Leben! Mehr erfahrt ihr hier.

Discover the life of an irresponsible adolescent
Unzipper my mind in the blankets
When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die
Tune of the week: Make Do And Mend – St. Anne
The way you stick out your lips and keep your hand on your hips
You said I have always bet against you but this time I am all in
It’s drawsome!
They just want a good show, that’s all they want
We all have scars and stories to tell

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