New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday
Instagram now has the right to sell your photos

Ich bin Ines aus Berlin.
Auf meinem Ratgeber-Blog sammele ich für euch Alltagstipps, helfe bei der Reiseplanung und empfehle die beste Musik. Für mehr Zeit zum Leben! Mehr erfahrt ihr hier.

I had fun once – it was awful
YOLO – again
Because some websites, we just couldn’t do without
Ridiculous, funny and interesting
If ur having weather problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99mph winds and ima give you some
In the future of commerce, shopping is personal, driven by data.
The new myspace
Instagraaaam, with just one touch my life looks cool
Did Kurt Cobain ever have the biggest fanbase on Twitter?

Etwas suchen?